The VFW Unconditionally Supoorts The Site For The World War II Memorial

WWII Memorial site

Veterans Of Foreign Wars Of The United States

Washington, D.C., October 2, 2000 – "The proposed World War II Memorial is a fitting design and the Mall is precisely the right place to mark the nation's most pivotal event of the 20th century," said John F. Gwizdak the Commander-in-Chief of the 2.6 million members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Ladies Auxiliary.

Unfortunately today, last minute efforts to block construction at this site has been taken by an opposition group. Their chief concern is with preserving the view from the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. Congress approved this memorial site seven years ago. The VFW, in its long-standing support for this memorial on the Mall urges in the strongest possible terms, that the present timetable be met for the November 11, 2000, ground breaking ceremony.

"Today WWII still remains a most significant event in our history. Beginning with that conflict the United States became and remains today a global superpower" Gwizdak said, adding that "It is only right that this memorial be the only 20th Century event centered on the Mall." The final memorial design is especially fitting because it will not disturb the view between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument nor damage the bordering stately elm trees.

"Those facts should mitigate whatever concerns the opponents express," said the VFW leader who is from Stockbridge, Georgia.

John F. Gwizdak was elected Commander-in-Chief at the VFW's 101st National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on August 25, 2000.

The VFW is a congressional chartered organization composed of active duty and former military servicepersons. It's goals are to maintain a strong national defense and to provide assistance to veterans and their dependents.

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