
By Ron Organek

Nearly 6,000 delegates unanimously re-affirmed The American Legion’s support for the war on terrorism during the organization’s 89th National Convention in Reno, Nevada.

“We must continue to stand by the president and advocate for adequate funding for our troops that is not contingent on a set date for troop withdrawal,” said National Commander Paul A. Morin. “Our support of Resolution 169 is unwavering.”

Resolution 169 was first passed at The American Legion’s 87th National Convention in Honolulu and re-affirmed last year in Salt Lake City. It resolves that The American Legion urges all Americans and freedom-loving people stand united in their support of the global war on terrorism and united in their support of the troops. It further resolves that national commander of The American Legion disseminate accurate information to ensure the united support of the American people.

The American Legion, which by its own constitution is nonpartisan, urges that the people support both the president who sent the troops to war and Congress, which authorized the action.

Several speakers at The American Legion National Convention pointed out that the current strategy in Iraq appears to be working. “Tired of the indiscriminate violence and turned off by al-Qaeda’s Taliban like ideology, many shieks, tribes and local citizens are rejecting al-Qaeda,” said Gen. David Petraeus, who addressed the convention from a videotape produced in Iraq. He added that troops have been aided enormously by “the increasing assistance of everyday Iraqis.”

The American Legion, which includes 700,000 Vietnam War veterans as its members, is committed to making sure that America never again mistreats or disrespects its war veterans.

Resolution 169 points out that “because of the very nature of war, the warrior can not be separated from the war itself.”

Resolution 169 also points out that the United States was “suddenly and without provocation, attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001.” It adds, “The global war on terrorism is a just war, aimed at protecting the very foundations of freedom and freedom-loving people everywhere.”

The American Legion is producing a Resolution 169 booklet that explains the United States mission in Iraq and why it is a crucial front in the War on Terrorism. It includes a history of terrorist attacks against the United States that started long before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The American Legion expects to release it by Sept. 11.

The American Legion was founded in 1919 on the four pillars of a strong national security, veterans affairs, Americanism, and patriotic youth programs. The American Legion veterans work for the betterment of their communities through more than 14,000 posts across the nation

Shingles Vaccine Available to VA Patients

A vaccine for shingles, which Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) researchers helped develop, is available to veterans who are patients at VA medical facilities nationwide.

“Shingles can seriously degrade the quality of life for those who suffer from this disease,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson. “Offering this vaccine to our patients is further evidence of VA’s commitment to provide world class health care to America’s veterans.

“VA will continue research that leads to real life solutions like the distribution of this shingles vaccine for patients at VA facilities across the country,” Nicholson added.

VA physicians will offer the vaccine to patients with appropriate medical conditions, usually those who are 60 years of age or older and have healthy immune systems. A single dose of the vaccine offers protection against shingles, which is scientifically named Herpes Zoster.

VA researchers and patients from across the country participated in studies which led to the vaccine’s approval by the Food and Drug Administration. The vaccine is available immediately to those who are recommended for the treatment.

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